Friday, July 31, 2009

Swag Friday!

To borrow a post title from one of my favorite bloggers while I'm sitting around waiting for the first design program of the convention entitled, "Colors For Seasons" Presented by Joe Smith, AIFD, I thought I would share the contents of my gift bag from this morning.

Upon arrival at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs (at 1:30 pm mind you) I found out that I would not be able to watch the Grant Awards Contest or the Designer of the Year Competition. While I can understand that it would be a little intimidating to design with a group of spectators, I must wonder what the designers do in their own shops. I made the comment to the people at the registration desk that I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have music playing, people talking, and customers watching my every move. I would be positively mortified to design 5 arrangements in a room full of well no one! Anyway, back to the gift bag...

This year, we get the latest edition of Floral Management, Flowers &, and Florists' Review, as well as a few other catalogs and flyers introducing other products. Also in the bag was a small roll of Offray ribbon and a product by National Ribbon Company which can only be described as a disasterous attempt at a Lomey Shimmer-Wrap Wristlet. I'm semi-intrigued by a product called "Nashville Wraps" seen at Described as an "eco friendly retail packaging, food packaging, and basket supply" product, it is a small shear bag which holds products for baskets. They also have a full line of gift wrap products at their website.

Finally, we have my nemesis...the Chocolate Rose by Helen Grace...I will spend the weekend staring at this from across the room!

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